Sleep pressure; is this why we crash? – theGIST

Do you sometimes feel like the energy has suddenly been drained from you and the only thing you want to do is sleep? Or you wake up and still feel as though the 11 hours spent sleeping did nothing to make you less exhausted? When talking about sleep patterns and difficulties, we often only cover our internal body clock — the circadian rhythm. However, our sleep and wakefulness cycles are controlled by another important process called sleep pressure. Together, sleep pressure and circadian rhythm

The Comfort of Familiarity - G-You Magazine

In times full of uncertainty and unease, we always come back to familiarity. We try to grasp everything that gives us some sense of control and comfort, and familiarity is a source of it. You feel at home somewhere because it’s familiar to you. Your favourites stem from familiarity - you prefer certain music, cuisine, clothes, even a way of taking notes. You are most comfortable speaking a specific language if you have used it more than any other. You even build relationships based on familiarit

Buried Secrets or Buried Treasure?

Underneath the surface of thousands of paintings lie completely different stories. Many paintings contain hidden omissions, fixes, or renovations, and we don’t even know it. And the reasons for those are much simpler than one would think. It’s not a case of massive conspiracies or buried secrets, as much as it’s a clue about how a certain artist worked and lived. Uncovering the hidden layers allows us to ask new and more accurate questions about the artist and their creative process.

Best single-cell RNA-sequencing data analysis tools in 2023

Can you imagine yourself on the brink of a ground-breaking discovery, except you don’t know it yet? Those of you who work in the single-cell RNA-sequencing (scRNA-seq) field may be familiar with this. Having laid the groundwork, prepared, and analyzed your samples, your data is beginning to look like something out of a science fiction film. What can you do with this data if you're not proficient in bioinformatics?

The Human Cell Atlas and Beyond: An Introduction to Single-Cell Data Atlases

Single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) has revolutionized our understanding of cellular heterogeneity, providing a powerful tool to unravel the complexity of biological systems at unprecedented resolution. As scRNA-seq technology continues to advance, researchers are generating vast amounts of data, necessitating innovative approaches to analyze, interpret and store this information effectively. One such approach gaining prominence is the use of single-cell data atlases.